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Research Project

We are currently focusing on different research areas 
1. Functional polymeric materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIB)
2. Ionic thermoelectric (iTE) systems​
3. Layer-by-layer assembly (LbL) for electrode materials
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Ionic Thermoelectric

Driven by Soret effect, iTE can convert heat to eelctricity superior to a conventional electronic thermoelectric material.


Lithium-Ion Battery

Silicon anode is one of the most promising anode materials owing to its high-naturally abundance and excellent specific capacity (3597 mAh/g). However, extremely large volume expansion during battery cycling operation limited its application. A self-healing binder can overcome such a problem.

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Layer-by-Layer Assembly

Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly is a versatile technique for fabricating multilayer thin films. This technique utilizes various interactions, such as electrostatic adsorption, charge–transfer interactions, hydrogen bonding, coordination bonding, and covalent bonding, to form multilayer films.

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Functional Energy Material Laboratory (FEML)
기능성 에너지재료 연구실
Kookmin University, College of Science, Department of Applied Chemistry
Seoul, Seongbuk-gu, Jeongneung-ro 77, FEML, Room No. 514-5

© 2023 by Functional Energy Material Laboratory
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